A downloadable game

Craft n' Sell is a strategy game. You have some resources and some money. You can choose to craft variety types of item. WARNING!! Don't craft by random, there are customers coming to your store and they will expect you to have what they need. You lose money if you piss off a customer.  Buy more resources with the money you earned. Earn as much as you can because there is not much time left. Good Luck ^_^

Developers : 

Geizka Wahyu Fahriza ( Programmer)

Sitti Chofifah (Artist)

Developed for Arkavidia Game Jam 2021

Craft n' Sell is related to Stream theme by controlling the business to keep it a float by keeping the stream of money going.

Team : GaPro


Craft n' Sell.zip 21 MB

Install instructions

1. Download from the page
2. Unzip the file
3. Run Craft n Sell.exe

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